Dance Categories

Studio Dance Categories


  • Routine consisting primarily of Hip Hop Technique. The judges will score music
    containing inappropriate lyrics lower.
  • Acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • Routine featuring any style of dance that interprets a song from a Broadway show or
    movie musical.


  • Routine must consist of primarily jazz technique.
  • Three gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine must contain tap technique and primarily tap work. It is preferred that tap sounds
    not be prerecorded in music.
  • Three gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine must consist of ballet technique. Must include classical steps and movements.
  • No pointe shoes allowed.
  • No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine must consist of pointe/toe technique.
  • No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine should demonstrate balance, extension, isolations and control utilizing the lyrics
    or mood of the music.
  • Three gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • A routine using controlled acrobatic moves such as walkovers, limbers, handstands,
    chest rolls, etc. may contain gymnastic passes.
  • The majority of an acrobatic routine must be acrobatic moves, otherwise, the routine will
    be scored lower by the judges. Acrobatic Dance may contain flexibility moves or
    contortionist moves, however, it must contain dance moves, steps, and choreography.


  • A routine incorporating the use of Pom Pons.
  • Pom Pon routines must use precise and definite movement.
  • Acrobatics are allowed. However, no stunts, tosses, or pyramids taller than one person is
    allowed or a one point penalty per judge will be incurred.
  • The routine will be judged on both Pom Pon technique and dance steps, moves, and


  • A routine portraying a recognizable character throughout.
  • May be from a play, movie, television, Broadway, or a stereotype such as a farmer,
    policeman, etc.
  • The character portrayed must be listed on the entry form, and it will be published in the
    program book.
  • May incorporate either dance or acrobatic techniques.


  • Any of our listed categories or combinations of listed category styles.
  • Acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • Routine should utilize contemporary style to show extension, balance, can combine
    lyrical, modern and concert style techniques.
  • Acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • Any group with all male dancers, regardless of type of dance, may choose to enter this


  • A routine utilizing a group of at least 10 dancers incorporating any style/styles of dance or
  • Production category has a time limit of 8:00 minutes.





A jazz routine encompasses traditional or stylized hard-hitting, crisp and/or aggressive approach to movement and can include moments of softness while complementing musicality. Emphasis is placed on body alignment, extension, control, uniformity, communication and technical skills.


A Pom routine contains important characteristics such as strong pom technique (clean, precise and sharp motions), synchronization, visual effects and may incorporate Pom Skills (i.e. pom passes, jump sequences, leaps/turns, kick lines, etc). Poms must be used 80% of the routine.


A Hip Hop routine can incorporate any street style movement with an emphasis on execution, style, creativity, body isolations and control, rhythm, uniformity and musical interpretation.


A contemporary or lyrical routine uses organic, pedestrian and/or traditional modern or ballet vocabulary as it complements the lyric and/or rhythmic value of the music. Emphasis is placed on control, sustained, expressive movement, body placement, contraction/release, use of breath, uniformity, communication and technical skills.


A kick routine emphasizes control, height uniformity, extension, toe points, timing and creativity of a variety of kick series and patterns. A kick is defined as one foot remaining on the floor while the other foot lifts with force. Kicks and kick series must comprise 80% of the routine.


A Variety routine must incorporate a blend of at least two or more dance styles listed in the USASF Categories. (Jazz, Pom, Hip Hop, Contemporary/Lyrical and/or Kick) All styles will compete together in this category. The style of dance performed will determine which “category” rules a team will follow in the appropriate age division.


The Prep Category is offered for emerging teams and dancers. All Category styles in each Age Division will compete together in Prep (Prep Jazz, Prep Pom, Prep Hip Hop, Prep Contemporary/Lyrical, Prep Kick and/or Prep Variety), or may be split when the Splitting Rule for Prep applies.




A jazz routine encompasses traditional or stylized hard-hitting, crisp and/or aggressive approach to movement and can include moments of softness while complementing musicality. Emphasis is placed on body alignment, extension, control, uniformity, communication and technical skills.


A Pom routine contains important characteristics such as strong pom technique (clean, precise and sharp motions), synchronization, visual effects and may incorporate Pom Skills (i.e. pom passes, jump sequences, leaps/turns, kick lines, etc). Poms must be used 80% of the routine.


A Hip Hop routine can incorporate any street style movement with an emphasis on execution, style, creativity, body isolations and control, rhythm, uniformity and musical interpretation.


A routine in this category may incorporate any one style or combination of styles.


Also known as Team Performance. Routines must incorporate a blend of jazz, pom and hip hop styles. Emphasis should be placed on overall creativity and flow of routine and successful technical execution of the dance styles performed.


Routines emphasize control, height uniformity, extension, toe points, timing and creativity of a variety of kick series. Fifty kicks must be performed in the routine. A kick is defined as one foot remaining on the floor while the other foot lifts with force.


A contemporary or lyrical routine uses organic, pedestrian and/or traditional modern or ballet vocabulary as it complements the lyric and/or rhythmic value of the music. Emphasis is placed on control, sustained, expressive movement, body placement, contraction/release, use of breath, uniformity, communication and technical skills.


Routines emphasize the use of props or a variety of props. The manipulation of the prop must be the main focal point of the routine. Each team will be given 2 minutes to set up and 2 minutes to 3 take down their props before and after the performance if necessary. Props may not be used to bear the weight of a performer who is executing a tumbling skill or involved in a lift.


Production teams must have at least 20 members, and routines must emphasize a theme or a storyline. Routines may be any style of dance that is outlined in this category listing. Production routines will have a maximum of 5 minutes to complete their routine. Props may not be used to bear the weight of a performer who is executing a tumbling skill or involved in a lift.



If you have any questions or are in need of help don't hesitate to contact us by phone or online!

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